Monday, June 16, 2008

Exercise, Lack of Sleep and Insanity

It seems to me that these three things are very closed tied together. I know, for myself, that the times I felt like I was losing my mind were the times that I was consistently not getting any sleep. My Jonathan struggles with sleep. He just isn't tired, so it makes no sense to sleep, if you're not tired. However, if he doesn't get consistent sleep, regular times to bed and regular times to wake up, it can be one of the Dr. Jekyll days. Or weeks.

The more exercise he gets during the day, the better he sleeps. He knows this. And shooting bad guys on the computer is NOT exercise. Run, like the wind, Bullseye! Work is a good remedy for this need. And work brings with it, the reward of ownership. All around, it's a good solution. The alternative being insanity, for both him AND me, it's kind of an easy choice.

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