Sunday, January 31, 2010

One year later...

It's been nearly a year since my last post on Jon's progress. Over that last year, we've had many ups and downs. I was impressed, however, this week with Jon's quick assessment of his own behavior. We had an incident with 'controlling.' Yeah. He often thinks that if others don't do what he wants, he is in charge of making sure they don't get what THEY want. The tendency is to be manipulative, cohersive. This is not ok. As he matures, I'm seeing that although the behaviors are still there, he is responding more quickly to my questions. I try to lead him from cause to effect in these conversations, but I must admit that there are times I just want to palm strike him! (Krav maga term, lol) I have, at times, told him this. Once things calm down, he thinks its kind of funny. :-) It would take something mammoth for me to actually hit him, and he knows this.

We're still having issues with sleep...I REALLY think it has to do with exercise and food. For him, at least. He WON'T eat well for himself and he WON'T go to bed on time. Sigh. The consequence for him is that he still has to get up in the morning. It sucks, but it has to be done. The other morning, however, I had to drive my husband to work (because our little car blew up) and I didn't get back until less than an hour before we had to leave for our homeschool co-op. We'd had a 'conversation' the week before about how I "am supposed to get him up." Manipulative, right? Well, I wasn't there to get him up, and he didn't. I pointed out, ever so gently, that THIS is why a 14yo must learn to get himself up. He hates it when I'm right. :-) But if he doesn't get to sleep until 3am, this is too hard. I know, I've done this and even the alarm won't wake me. I was so frustrated the other morning, I almost shot him with our airsoft pistol! He got up REALLY fast. Now don't go reporting me to anybody, I used the slower speed gun (my 7yo's) and I was only going to shoot his legs through his comforter. While he high tailed it to the bathroom, I could see the silly grin on his face, though he tried to hide it from me.

At any rate, in the passing of a year, the issues are all quite the same. The progress, though slow, is continuing. I say this, hoping that some other mom who wonders if she can manage will read this and say 'if she can do it, so can I.'

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