Tonight, I went for a walk, alone with Jon. We had a wonderful discussion about his current question - "Is it sometimes
ok to disobey the law?"
His current book series, The Warrior series, has a lot of battle scenarios. He has noticed that sometimes disobedience of the law has benefited the 'good guys.' So we discussed this for awhile. What is the criteria for determining such a choice? Clearly, 'we must obey God, rather than men.' But there is a whole lot more to this question. We discussed vigilantism. Batman.
Spiderman. More of his book characters. The Brave One. (Now, don't swallow your tongue, we severely edited the movie. And frankly, I don't recommend this particular movie - too graphic! Ugly, in fact! But, as an aside, a friend of mind has gone through similar circumstance and she thought the movie was so great that she cheered.) So, when is it
ok to disobey a law? Is 'benefit' a good criteria? Is safety? Is revenge?
It was a wonderful conversation and I will hold it dear to my heart. He is 13.
Asperger's tends to block a person's understanding of the letter vs. the spirit of an idea. He's beginning to mull these things over for himself and is determining to come to a biblical conclusion.
We didn't come to any particular conclusions in the course of our conversation, but we decided to do a study on this topic. I'm very excited, and he expressed some excitement over it as well.